I. Background

The mission of Macao University of Tourism (Universidade de Tourismo de Macau, or UTM) is to become a leading higher education institution in tourism and service industry studies that equips students with professional knowledge and technical competence in preparation for their future leadership responsibilities in the industry. In order to fulfil the above mission, the university has the following three characteristics:

  • Unique Identity - The university operates independently, specialising in providing higher education and professional training in tourism and service industry management.
  • Integration - It blends the best of academic development and professional training.
  • Internationalisation - It seeks mutually beneficial cooperation with similar institutions abroad, actively promoting international learning experience among faculty and students.


At the turn of the new century, Macao’s tourism industry began to experience phenomenal changes. The liberalisation of the gaming sector in 2002 has fuelled rapid tourism development in the city. With the national strategy of developing Macao into a World Tourism and Leisure Centre, the demand for tourism professionals has kept increasing. This resulted in an expansion of the University’s student intake over a number of years. UTM works closely with government and industry partners to assess changing market needs, and strives to expand its international network. Currently, the University has established partnerships with over 100 tourism and educational institutions in over 30 countries and regions, benchmarking against best practices around the world.

The ultimate goal of the University is to be a provider of quality education in tourism and related fields that nurture competent future leaders of the industry. This can only be achieved by a continued emphasis and practice in upholding quality in education, which is evidenced in:

  1. different stages of the education process – vision and mission formulation, strategy planning, curriculum design and review, student recruitment and development, faculty recruitment and development, management of education resources, research and consultancy endeavours; and
  2. stakeholder involvement – government, industry and educational partners, students, and faculty


Quality assurance is a holistic and coordinated process in the University. The management work with the stakeholders to set up quality assurance policies and guidelines. The management, consisting of academic and administrative heads, is responsible for overseeing the execution of quality policies, monitoring quality indicators, and implementing corrective plans and actions. The academic heads include the Director, Vice-Director, Programme Coordinators, Regents and Course Conveners who coordinate the faculty in executing the quality policies in regards to teaching, learning, research and continuous professional development. The administrative administrators, namely the Vice-Rector and Department Heads, are responsible for providing support and executing quality policies in regards to learning resources, campus facilities management and general administration.

Educational Philosophy

UTM believes in developing students’ ability to learn and un-learn, celebrate traditions, pursue innovations, identify problems, realise solutions as well as serve and lead. The goal is to nurture team workers, managers, leaders and responsible citizens with a global mindset, respect for diversity and professional ethics.

Educational Approach

UTM adopts a blended approach to education, through pedagogic strategies that combine theory and practice, classroom lectures and themed events, individual work and group projects, as well as simulated training and internship. Students are constantly alternating between learning and practising, listening and presenting, simulations and reality, and knowledge absorption and critical reflection. The University believes that this approach expedites learning, facilitates comprehension, enhances interpersonal and communications skills, and develops critical thinking skills and self-confidence, which are all essential qualities of leaders.

Recognition Received
In 1997, the Network of Asia-Pacific Education and Training Institutes in Tourism (APETIT), a body fully supported by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) selected UTM as the “training the trainer centre” offering training and advisory services for APETIT members in the Asia Pacific region. In the same year, UTM received from the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) the Gold Award, which acknowledged the content and the quality of UTM’s programmes. In 2002, UTM was presented, again, with the same award for having set up the “Macao Occupational Skills Recognition System” (MORS) for the local tourism and service industry, in collaboration with the European Union (EU).

In 2000, UTM was the first United Nations World Tourism Organization UNWTO.TedQual institution in tourism education. This confirmed the international standard and quality achieved by UTM in education and training.

In 2003, UTM was invited by the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM) to be the founding member of the Asian Academy for Heritage Management (AAHM). This consortium networks institutes of higher learning throughout the Asia-Pacific region that are engaged in the research and teaching of heritage conservation and cultural institution management.

In 2008, UTM was awarded the Medal of Merit for Tourism by the Macao SAR Government in recognition of its significant contributions in advancing local tourism development.

Since the launch of the QS World University Rankings in the subject area of Hospitality and Leisure Management in 2017, UTM has been highly ranked internationally.  

In 2017, UTM became the world’s first higher education institution to pass International Quality Review (IQR) from UK’s Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education(QAA).

UTM received PATA Gold Award four times in 1997, 2002, 2020 and 2022 affirming the content and quality of the UTM’s programmes.

UTM always strive ahead in its quest of learning and educational innovation, fostering professionals and making contributions to the tourism development of Macao and of the Asia Pacific region.

Quality Culture

In 2014/15, the Director of Tourism College (President) tasked Programme Coordinators and Regents with the responsibility to propose a system for academic quality assurance for its programmes – The Quality Assurance Course Evaluation System (QUACES). The essence of this System was incorporated in the Quality Assurance Policy which was drafted in 2019. The first phase of quality assurance involved the development of procedures and mechanisms that would enable the Institute to map the alignment of the intended course outcomes and corresponding assessments with the intended programme outcomes and to establish a model for the intended programme outcomes to undergo regular review involving the participation of relevant stakeholders.


The Centre for Education Quality Management has been established to take up the responsibility to promote quality assurance of teaching and learning among the faculty.


To date, all programmes have established their Intended Programme Outcomes (IPOs), a clear map of the Intended Course Outcomes (ICOs) with the IPOs. Every assessment is aligned with the respective ICOs. Prior to the offering of a course, the Course Convener makes necessary updates of the assessments and ICOs and ensures the alignment to the IPOs in the eServices system – a platform for students to find information about their study schedules, the course outlines of the various courses they are taking, the assessments and their weighting, and their adherence to the IPOs.


The Centre for Education Quality Management has also established the White Paper that sets direction for the Centre, and is developing the assessment policy and moderation system.

The university’s Quality Assurance Policy complies with the Higher Education Laws of Macao (17/2018 and 18/2018), and other legal requirements by which the university as a public higher education institution is bound.

The university evaluates and monitors the following major aspects of quality in education, covering all programmes and courses offered:

  • Relevance of programmes to employers
  • The learning experience and assessment of students
  • The curriculum and pedagogic system
  • The faculty
  • Learning resources and student support
  • The management


II. Relevance of programmes to employers

1. Inclusion of stakeholder needs in programme development

Curriculum design is based on a thorough analysis of the external environment, alumni feedback and benchmarking against best practices. New programme development and review of existing programmes is done regularly to cope with the changing demand of the industry. The procedures followed that prescribed by the Tertiary Education Services of Macao SAR Government.

The annual “Policy Address of the Macao SAR Government” is a main reference for developing new programmes or reviewing existing ones. The Policy Address outlines the year plan of the Macao SAR Government in regards to the city’s social and economic development, and in particular to tourism development and talent development.

The Pedagogic Affairs Department administers an annual “Graduate Employment Survey” that collects information about graduate employment and career development, as well as comments about the usefulness or practicality of the curriculum. Learner feedback provides important input for curriculum reflection, development or change.

UTM membership in international organisations, namely the UN Tourism, United Nations’ Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), and Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA), as well as local trade and hotel associations keeps the university abreast of industry trends and training needs.

Internally, the UTM Council, and the Academic Council are governance and advisory bodies of the university that lay out the strategic development blueprint and medium-to-long term programme development plans of the university. The two Councils consist of external parties representing government authorities, tourism-related industry sectors (future employers), and the higher education sector. They counsel the university on human resource needs of the community and industry, and advise about new programme development.

One of the results of the above external environmental monitoring process is an annual Action Plan with key performance indicators. The Action Plan is endorsed by the Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture of the Macao SAR Government. The key performance indicators are submitted to the Government, followed by regular reports about the progress of achievement.

2. Adaptation of the programme to new trends and requirements of the employers

Macao’s Higher Education Law requires a regular review of existing programmes, as well as audits of the unversity to be conducted by third party quality assurance agencies. The Law mandates that review cycles are at most 7 years apart.

The university constantly monitors changing needs of the industry by participating in government commissioned policy research (ICTHR) on tourism industry development, tourism carrying capacity and industry manpower demand; sitting in government advisory committees on tourism development and higher education development; sitting in industry and trade association meetings such as Macau Hotel Association, SKAL Club, Wine Society.


III. The learning experience and assessment of students

1. Communication and promotion of the programmes

UTM disseminates accurate information of its programmes, published in the prospectus, programme brochures and admission webpages. Both online and offline media are used.

In addition, applicants have a wide variety of channels to access relevant information:

  • School briefings
  • UTM Open Day
  • Newspaper advertisements and special editorials
  • App banner on newspaper applications (Macao Daily, Exmoo, Macau Business, Aomi)
  • UTM profile and ad banner on QS Ranking website
  • UTM hub with the Economist
  • Social Media (Facebook, IG, Weibo, WeChat, Bilibili, Youtube, Youku, LinkedIn)
  • Bus body ad and poster
  • Publications (programme brochures, admission brochure, roll-up banners and lamp-pole banners, big banners around campuses, admission poster for high schools and industry partners)
  • Virtual open day
  • Online admission talks
  • PG programmes mini forum and admission talk
  • Encourage students and alumni to back to their home schools for sharing session
  • Google ad
  • Online ad/posts in other social media platform like the Little Red Book, wechat
  • Admission talk in Mainland cities
  • Admission talk in Mainland high schools and universities
  • UTM website
  • CRM email campaign
  • CyberCTM ad package
  • Participation in educational expositions

UTM prepares applicants for the admission exam by offering preparation courses. The university surveys applicants for opinions about the application process and programmes for improvement.

2. Induction of new students

Measures are taken to ensure that every new student is well aware of university policies and rules, student rights, curriculum requirements, and campus life. The following activities take place at the beginning of each academic year:

  • Orientation Day for new students
  • Briefing on policies, rules and programmes, also available in the Student Handbook online
  • Briefing on course enrolment and using Student Information e-Services
  • Briefing on student counselling service
  • Briefing for new hostel residents and seasonal updates for all hostel residents
  • Student Union orientation activities
  • Internship briefing sessions
  • briefing sessions for incoming and outgoing exchange students, and feedback sessions about the exchange experience

3. Support to student

UTM ensures that each student receives support in their studies and campus life, so as to have a rewarding learning journey:

  • The Student Handbook is updated yearly to provide guidance on university policies and rules, and issues related to studies and professional attitude
  • the “Guideline on Internship and Practicum” explains internship arrangements and placement choices
  • the “Guideline on Exchange Programmes” introduces cultural exchange opportunities and learning in a multicultural environment and offer advice to students planning a study trip abroad
  • timely announcements are made on the UTM learning platform - Moodle regarding extra-curricular activities work-study postings, scholarships, and other important information.
  • the “Guideline on Scholarship Committee” details the responsibility of the scholarship panel in selecting and awarding scholarships to recognise academic excellence, encourage overseas exchange/ internship as well as service contributions
  • counselling service is available to advise on study and internship difficulties, career development, further studies as well as personal matters.
  • The “Guideline on Hostel Accommodation” describes the criteria and rules regarding provision of accommodation to non-local students
  • the Student Union organises regular activities to enrich university studies
  • English Centre and Math Centre services provide focused support for students to enhance their communicative and statistical/analytical competence on a voluntary basis throughout the academic year.
  • A range of independent study resources such as online e-Modules are available to students and designed both to enhance and strengthen their cognitive capacity – the modules provide the student with immediate feedback and are available around the clock to all students throughout their study duration.
  • faculty are available for consultation

4. Assessment of student performance

  • Academic Administrators and faculty are responsible for publishing assessment criteria. The exam rules and procedures are published on course outlines, the Student Handbook, and the websites. The university requires that students acknowledge understanding of the policies and rules
  • The grading system and other assessment regulations are based on the principles of fairness and openness. Grading criteria are published in the Student Handbook
  • In addition to written evaluations, assessment also includes projects outside the classroom, mostly of charity nature, to widen students’ community reach and develop a positive character
  • The internship experience is an integral part of the student evaluation
  • The “Professional Conduct Scheme (PCS)” is a system that is used to reflect a student’s performance on standards related to professional and personal conduct
  • Rules regarding academic dishonesty are published in the Student Handbook
  • The university has policies and procedures regarding assessment complaints and appeals

Faculty adopt a continuous evaluation approach in assessing students’ progress throughout the course of study. The principles and criteria for student assessment and its objectives are detailed in the course outlines, with consideration given to the following:

  • a combination of practical exercises, case studies, tests, research reports and other forms of assessment deemed suitable for the subject matter
  • possibility for student re-assessment in case the requirement is not met the first time around

Grades of all cohorts are viewed and discussed at the semester-end Academic Board meetings. Irregularities are identified and explained before the grades are endorsed and considered final. External moderation of assessment is adopted for the senior year Thesis/Project course which is a capstone research-based course leading to a bachelor thesis/project which is a requirement for graduation.

5. Evaluation of student satisfaction

UTM uses the following means to gauge students’ satisfaction regarding programme and services:

  • An annual “Services Satisfaction Survey” measures student satisfaction with services provided by various units and departments including Campus Management Division (CM), Food and Beverage Team (including the UTM Educational Restaurant, Windows Cafeteria and Green House Café), Administrative and Financial Division (DAAF), Organisation and Information Technology Division (IT), Library, Pousada de Mong-Há (UTM Educational Hotel), Public Relations (PR), Purchasing Team (PT) and Pedagogic Affairs Department.
  • The “Course Evaluation” forms are distributed at the end of every course on which students rate items pertaining to teaching effectiveness, teaching methods, and provide qualitative comments on the quality of learning and teaching. Academic Administrators have access to the scores and comments for evaluating faculty performance in teaching and effectiveness of courses.
  • The monthly Pedagogic Council Meetings provide a platform for student representatives of different programmes and cohorts to express comments or raise concerns about learning experiences and the quality of campus life
  • Statistics on student application, intake, drop-out rates, deferrals, withdrawals, and FTEs are produced as useful indicators of student satisfaction and programme attractiveness, as well as facilitates counselling sessions when necessary
  • The Pedagogic Affairs Department holds regular meetings with students during each semester
  • Regular meetings are held between the Global Affairs Team and exchange students to collect feedback about the efficiency of exchange programme organisation, the effectiveness of the study abroad experience and overall exchange efficacy
  • Suggestion boxes; emails; Moodle platform are the major channels for collecting student comments
  • Students who have issues with studies or personal affairs are attended to by Student Counsellors.

6. Relationship with Alumni

UTM values every alumnus. The Student and Alumni Services Team maintains a good relationship with the alumni and provides supportive services to them by:

  • organising annual alumni dinners
  • forming alumni sports teams
  • distributing alumni cards that offer various discounts
  • launching the Alumni Online Community to share UTM news, provide a platform to connect alumni, and make available a photo gallery (Alumni Online Community)
  • providing news of employment opportunities
  • offering scholarship to alumni for further studies
  • conducting annual employment surveys to track the employment situation of graduates
  • inviting graduates to sharing sessions with fellow students


IV. The Curriculum and Pedagogical System

1. Compliance with legal requirements

The curriculum adheres to:

Legal requirements: the Undergraduate and Postgraduate programmes were officially approved and published on the Official Gazette of Macao SAR

Postgraduate programmes


  • Industry standards and demands: The UTM Council conveys industry needs to UTM in regular meetings.


  • The adoption of an outcome based approach to education (OBE) ensures that students and faculty engage in a dynamic teaching and learning environment committed to a cycle of continuous improvement via implementation and reflection. In the absence of a Macao based curriculum framework, UTM degree programmes incorporate adaptations from both the Australian and Hong Kong curriculum frameworks. All UTM Programmes are designed to provide students A.C.C.E.S.S. - graduates will have Acquired a range of Cognitive Capacities to ensure Ethical navigation in developing Strategic Solutions to present and future challenges. Though each programme has established its own IPO’s, these are divided into six key components 1) the development of core cognitive competencies (knowledge and skills); 2) the application of core cognitive competencies (knowledge and skills); 3) the development of professional/management competencies (knowledge and skills); 4) the application of professional/management competencies (knowledge and skills); 5) the application of analytical and numerical competencies and 6) the application of communicative competencies.

2. Curriculum development

The curriculum is reviewed regularly as required by the Higher Education Law. In a curriculum review, a faculty task force made up of the Dean of the concerned faculty, academic coordinators and subject matter experts is formed. Opinions of the faculty are channelled to the task force through the academic coordinators. Opinions are also collected from the UTM Council, the Academic Council, the Pedagogic Council, industry partners and other stakeholders through regular meetings. References are also made to best practices in other parts of the world.

The proposed revisions or new curriculum, specifying programme outcomes, graduate profile, learning outcomes, and assessment criteria will be sent to UTM’s two internal bodies (1) the UTM Council and (2) the Academic Council before being submitted to the Education and Youth Development Bureau of the Macau Government for vetting. The last step is approval by the Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture.

The structure of the curriculum and study plans shall:

  • be established taking into account national and international standards set by governmental and industry bodies
  • be presented in a logical way and reflects a balance of practical and theoretical content

3. Effectiveness of the pedagogic approach

UTM has developed teaching methodologies aimed at developing appropriate aptitudes and attitudes for the tourism industry.

The pedagogic methodology detailed below is documented and communicated to the students through the distribution of course outlines at the beginning of every semester. Topics include:

  • pedagogic objectives, material and topics to be covered
  • recommended bibliography
  • working papers and practice exercises to be completed either individually or in teams

The teaching methodology includes group discussion, case studies, role plays and exercises to impart knowledge and develop skills regarding the following:

  • team work
  • business decision making
  • global perspective of tourism and business
  • team leadership and motivation

Where necessary, students will carry out live events to put theory into practice.

The teaching methodology is reviewed regularly by the Subject Convenors and the Regents to incorporate industry best practices and possible innovations and experiences from previous courses.

4. Pacing student learning

The university cares about students’ pace of learning. To avoid intensive workload and learning concentrating at certain points in the semester, the university has developed a Student Workload Monitoring system in which all faculty are required to input course work and assessments assigned, so that a holistic view of student workload distribution throughout the semester is made available to all faculty and academic administrators.

5. Industry acceptance

The readiness and the percentage of penetration in the industry is a good indicator whether the programmes are producing the type of professionals employers desire. An annual Graduate Employment Survey is used to collect such information.

6. Internationalisation

The university has policies for encouraging student mobility. Information about study abroad or other forms of exchange is available and constantly updated on the Moodle.  There are established procedures to recognise credits earned from other institutions, or course exemptions. The university offers scholarships to encourage student mobility, both in-coming and outgoing. The Scholarship Guidelines defines the composition of the panel and criteria for consideration when awarding scholarships.


V. The Faculty

1. Faculty selection

UTM selects faculty candidates through open recruitment, inviting both local and overseas applications. Selection complies with the Higher Education Law and the university’s Personnel Ordinance (477/99/M) and Law No. 4/2024 Juridical Regime of Macao University of Tourism which specify the entry requirement for different academic positions. The Ordinance and Law also specifies the procedures of faculty recruitment and selection.

The university is responsible for publishing requirements for advertising academic posts. Selection is based on academic qualifications, knowledge and experience in the subject matter, teaching performance, research output and industry experience. Selection panels composed of internal (and external for more senior positions) faculty members specialising in the disciplinary area of the vacancy are set up to assess candidates through resume screening, teaching demonstration and interview. The objective is to recruit qualified and competent faculty.

The recruitment of part-time faculty adopts the same entry requirement and procedures to ensure competent and qualified teaching staff are selected.

2. Academic coordination

The Dean of Faculty of Innovative Hospitality Management / Faculty of Creative Tourism and Intelligent Technologies, Vice-Director, Academic Coordinators, Regents and Subject Conveners are responsible for

  • ensuring faculty belonging to respective programmes understand the programme goals and commit to common educational goals and the university’s quality culture
  • working with the faculty to define programme goals and structure of programmes, specifying curricular content and assessment procedures
  • co-ordinating faculty development activities
  • monitoring the achievement of programme goals, learning outcomes, course objectives, receiving feedback on learner experience
  • introducing new faculty (full-time and part-time) to their duties and quality culture of the university

3. Faculty performance

Systematic evaluation is the main method of quality assurance in teaching. The annual faculty appraisal aims to monitor and help faculty to identify weaknesses and enhance performance in the following areas:

  • Teaching
  • Research
  • Community service

The appraisal form contains specific indicators for each area, reported by the faculty along the year, supported by evidence uploaded in the appraisal system by the end of each academic year. Over time, the faculty and academic administrators can track the performance/growth of the faculty. The faculty appraisal results affect promotion and compensation decisions.

4. Continuous improvement

Training and Development

UTM seeks to constantly enhance the quality of teaching by providing professional development courses for faculty:

Faculty can apply for different types of grant to improve their knowledge, and research and teaching skills. Each grant is governed by a specific guideline made available on the intranet:

  • Study Grants (for pursuing a higher degree)
  • Conference grants (for presenting papers at academic conferences)
  • Research Grants (for funding research)
  • Training Grants (for participating in training courses relevant to faculty’s scope of work)
  • Professional Qualifications Training Programmes (for undertaking training courses leading to professional qualifications)
  • the  university organises regularly teaching and learning workshops to improve faculty’s teaching capabilities and communication skills
  • the university organises regular research training courses

Research productivity

The International Centre for Tourism and Hospitality Research (ICTHR) is the policy research and industry development unit of UTM. The Centre serves as a management and public policy think-tank and a knowledge provider for tourism and hospitality related research. The ICTHR identifies and initiates research projects critical to the Centre’s mission, conducts theoretical and applied research grounded on practical relevance, and communicates effective tourism planning, development and management recommendations based on sound theories and principles. These activities include conducting policy and policy-review studies (commissioned or otherwise), monitoring and evaluation studies, polling and opinion surveys, providing support for academic research; via organising seminars, workshops and conferences, publication, communication and dissemination of research findings, as well as research design and administration.

UTM, with the initiative of the academic staff, defines research and development objectives and plans, which include taking on government commissioned policy research studies.

The research and development activities are recorded and made available to faculty and students, and in most cases, to the public. On completion, research results are published in the form of papers or books.


VI. Learning resources and student support

The university earmarks certain amounts of its annual budget resources for enhancing the teaching environment, based on student feedback collected in the monthly Pedagogic Council meetings and through other channels (suggestion boxes, online platforms), as well as regular meetings between the faculty and campus support teams. Large scale refurbishment or renovation projects comply with the procurement and approval procedures specified in the relevant laws, and approval has to be sought from relevant authorities.

1. Infrastructure and pedagogical equipment

UTM has two campuses (Main Campus and Taipa Campus). The main infrastructure and pedagogical facilities all are equipped with projector, A/V controller, microphone system, speakers and soundproof, etc. Other practicum/ training facilities include Wine & Tea Classrooms, Mock Front Desks, Mock Housekeeping Rooms, Culinary Kitchens.

In addition, the university has the following training units for pedagogical support:

  • Pousada de Mong-Há (UTM Educational Hotel) with 29 guest rooms, a restaurant, a gymnasium and a conference room, is highly recognized by the hospitality industry throughout the years. It was rated as one of the recommended hotels in the Michelin Guide and was also awarded as one of the TripAdvisor Traveler’s Choice. Following the recent major renovation project, the Pousada is currently open exclusively for government guests and UTM partners, providing professional training to students with real-life work experience.
  • UTM Educational Restaurant, with seating capacity of 80 people, has one wine cellar, one bar and one Private Room. It has been recommended by the Michelin Guide.

2. Measures for the safety and maintenance of pedagogical resources


Maintenance of pedagogical resources is handled by Campus Management Division and Organisation and Information Technology Division.

Equipment and supplies

There is a documented furniture, fixture and equipment acquisition and storage plan. All purchases of new equipment take into account the functionality, aesthetics and cost-benefit. All purchases have to be approved by the Administrative Council.

Business Continuity Management Steering Committee (BCMSC)

In order to further promote campus safety, maintain continuity of critical services at an acceptable level, and minimise the occurrence and impact of disruptive incidents to our services and operations, UTM has set up the Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) since 2019.

BCMS Scope:

  • Provision of administration support for course delivery and operation management, and student affairs services;
  • Provision of the operation of educational restaurant;
  • Provision of educational hotel and student hostel hospitality management; and
  • Provision of campus facility management;
  • BCMS Policy;
  • Protect, maintain and recover critical services, activities and infrastructures;
  • Ensure the continuity of critical services and activities in supporting the tourism and hospitality studies at an acceptable level;
  • Put human life safety as the priority in prioritizing critical services and establish associated business continuity plan;
  • Protect the reputation of UTM;
  • Meet the applicable legal and regulatory requirements in establishing and implementing the BCMS; and
  • Continually improve the BCMS.

For the above mentioned, UTM has systematically evaluated different kinds of risks facing the university. It has set up a series of procedures, plans and documents, such as the Risks & Opportunities Assessment Procedure, Business Continuity Plan, Crisis Management Plan, etc. The system has been audited annually and certified under ISO22301:2019 standard by British Standards Institution. It has been working for UTM since 2019.

Environmental Management System Committee (EMSC)

The EMSC is responsible for the establishment and implementation of the Environmental Management System (EMS) of UTM, to establish and review annual environmental objectives and management programmes. The scope of the EMS applies to all activities that associate with the provision of higher education and professional training in tourism and service industry management at the Macao and Taipa campus of UTM, and its two training units – Educational Hotel and Educational Restaurant.


VII. Administrative Support

Macao University of Tourism (UTM) in its vision, mission and value is committed to become globally recognized destination for tourism and hospitality studies, not only for the benefits of Macao, but also for the Asia Pacific region. It will equip students with professional knowledge and technical competence in preparation for their future leadership responsibilities in the industry. With this belief, all staff members work together to the realization of the vision.

To achieve this goal, UTM strives to provide timely, effective and quality administrative services.  By implementing the ISO 9001 Quality Management System, UTM dedicates itself to meeting the requirements and enhancing user satisfaction through continual improvement, and is committed to:

  • Understand and establish measures that satisfy user needs;
  • Ensure the quality policy and quality objectives are well communicated and understood among all staff, particularly the significance of user satisfaction;
  • Keep improving service quality and performance by providing the necessary staff trainings;
  • Improve administrative procedures and delegate responsibilities for work efficiency and timely services;
  • Comply with all applicable local regulations and requirements;
  • Ensure external providers and contractors are aware of and will conform to the specified requirements.

This Policy will be communicated to all students, staff, guests, and be available to the public.


VIII. The Management

1. Organisation

The organisational structure, approved by the Macao Government, clearly defines all staff functions and responsibilities. These functions and responsibilities are communicated to all staff through new staff induction programmes and internal meetings. The organisational structure is published on the university website and on the Macao Government website.

2. Quality Assurance

UTM benchmarks its quality against well-established institutions in tourism and hospitality education. Quality assurance is the collective responsibility of academic and administrative heads, according to pre-defined external law, as well as internal policies, rules and guidelines.
The UTM Quality Team audits and assists departments to streamline administrative work and enhance service performance. Standard and regular reports are generated for management review and action.

Being a public institution, UTM adheres to the government-wide quality assurance plan. UTM constantly monitors the services it provides to the public by regular surveys administered internally and by the Public Service Quality Committee of the Macao Government. At present, UTM has launched 22 service pledges.

The Audit Commission of the Macao SAR Government regularly monitors UTM’s compliance with administrative and legal requirements, and service efficiency and effectiveness.

Policy Review

This policy will be reviewed every 5-7 years or whenever there is change to any matter that is relevant to this policy.


earch grounded on practical relevance, and communicates effective tourism planning, development and management recommendations based on sound theories and principles. These activities include conducting policy and policy-review studies (commissioned or otherwise), monitoring and evaluation studies, polling and opinion surveys, providing support for academic research; via organising seminars, workshops and conferences, publication, communication and dissemination of research findings, as well as research design and administration.

UTM, with the initiative of the academic staff, defines research and development objectives and plans, which include taking on government commissioned policy research studies.

The research and development activities are recorded and made available to faculty and students, and in most cases, to the public. On completion, research results are published in the form of papers or books.

VI. Learning resources and student support

The university earmarks certain amounts of its annual budget resources for enhancing the teaching environment, based on student feedback collected in the monthly Pedagogic Council meetings and through other channels (suggestion boxes, online platforms), as well as regular meetings between the faculty and campus support teams. Large scale refurbishment or renovation projects comply with the procurement and approval procedures specified in the relevant laws, and approval has to be sought from relevant authorities.

1. Infrastructure and pedagogical equipment

UTM has two campuses (Main Campus and Taipa Campus). The main infrastructure and pedagogical facilities all are equipped with projector, A/V controller, microphone system, speakers and soundproof, etc. Other practicum/ training facilities include Wine & Tea Classrooms, Mock Front Desks, Mock Housekeeping Rooms, Culinary Kitchens.

In addition, the university has the following training units for pedagogical support:

  • Pousada de Mong-Há (UTM Educational Hotel) with 29 guest rooms, a restaurant, a gymnasium and a conference room, is highly recognized by the hospitality industry throughout the years. It was rated as one of the recommended hotels in the Michelin Guide and was also awarded as one of the TripAdvisor Traveler’s Choice. Following the recent major renovation project, the Pousada is currently open exclusively for government guests and UTM partners, providing professional training to students with real-life work experience.
  • UTM Educational Restaurant, with seating capacity of 80 people, has one wine cellar, one bar and one Private Room. It has been recommended by the Michelin Guide.

2. Measures for the safety and maintenance of pedagogical resources


Maintenance of pedagogical resources is handled by Campus Management Division and Organisation and Information Technology Division.

Equipment and supplies

There is a documented furniture, fixture and equipment acquisition and storage plan. All purchases of new equipment take into account the functionality, aesthetics and cost-benefit. All purchases have to be approved by the Administrative Council.

Business Continuity Management Steering Committee (BCMSC)

In order to further promote campus safety, maintain continuity of critical services at an acceptable level, and minimise the occurrence and impact of disruptive incidents to our services and operations, UTM has set up the Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) since 2019.

BCMS Scope:

  • Provision of administration support for course delivery and operation management, and student affairs services;
  • Provision of the operation of educational restaurant;
  • Provision of educational hotel and student hostel hospitality management; and
  • Provision of campus facility management;
  • BCMS Policy;
  • Protect, maintain and recover critical services, activities and infrastructures;
  • Ensure the continuity of critical services and activities in supporting the tourism and hospitality studies at an acceptable level;
  • Put human life safety as the priority in prioritizing critical services and establish associated business continuity plan;
  • Protect the reputation of UTM;
  • Meet the applicable legal and regulatory requirements in establishing and implementing the BCMS; and
  • Continually improve the BCMS.

For the above mentioned, UTM has systematically evaluated different kinds of risks facing the university. It has set up a series of procedures, plans and documents, such as the Risks & Opportunities Assessment Procedure, Business Continuity Plan, Crisis Management Plan, etc. The system has been audited annually and certified under ISO22301:2019 standard by British Standards Institution. It has been working for UTM since 2019.

Environmental Management System Committee (EMSC)

The EMSC is responsible for the establishment and implementation of the Environmental Management System (EMS) of UTM, to establish and review annual environmental objectives and management programmes. The scope of the EMS applies to all activities that associate with the provision of higher education and professional training in tourism and service industry management at the Macao and Taipa campus of UTM, and its two training units – Educational Hotel and Educational Restaurant.

VII. Administrative Support

Macao University of Tourism (UTM) in its vision, mission and value is committed to become globally recognized destination for tourism and hospitality studies, not only for the benefits of Macao, but also for the Asia Pacific region. It will equip students with professional knowledge and technical competence in preparation for their future leadership responsibilities in the industry. With this belief, all staff members work together to the realization of the vision.

To achieve this goal, UTM strives to provide timely, effective and quality administrative services.  By implementing the ISO 9001 Quality Management System, UTM dedicates itself to meeting the requirements and enhancing user satisfaction through continual improvement, and is committed to:

  • Understand and establish measures that satisfy user needs;
  • Ensure the quality policy and quality objectives are well communicated and understood among all staff, particularly the significance of user satisfaction;
  • Keep improving service quality and performance by providing the necessary staff trainings;
  • Improve administrative procedures and delegate responsibilities for work efficiency and timely services;
  • Comply with all applicable local regulations and requirements;
  • Ensure external providers and contractors are aware of and will conform to the specified requirements.

This Policy will be communicated to all students, staff, guests, and be available to the public.

VIII. The Management

1. Organisation

The organisational structure, approved by the Macao Government, clearly defines all staff functions and responsibilities. These functions and responsibilities are communicated to all staff through new staff induction programmes and internal meetings. The organisational structure is published on the university website and on the Macao Government website.

2. Quality Assurance

UTM benchmarks its quality against well-established institutions in tourism and hospitality education. Quality assurance is the collective responsibility of academic and administrative heads, according to pre-defined external law, as well as internal policies, rules and guidelines.
The UTM Quality Team audits and assists departments to streamline administrative work and enhance service performance. Standard and regular reports are generated for management review and action.

Being a public institution, UTM adheres to the government-wide quality assurance plan. UTM constantly monitors the services it provides to the public by regular surveys administered internally and by the Public Service Quality Committee of the Macao Government. At present, UTM has launched 22 service pledges.

The Audit Commission of the Macao SAR Government regularly monitors UTM’s compliance with administrative and legal requirements, and service efficiency and effectiveness.

Policy Review

This policy will be reviewed every 5-7 years or whenever there is change to any matter that is relevant to this policy.
