Launch of New Website 🎉🌐 圖書館新網站已經推出

We are delighted to announce that the brand new website of IFTM Library is launched!

The new website is not only an upgrade on the look, with a library-oriented approach, it is easier and more efficient for users to look for information. Feel free to explore the site and let us know what you think!



在線培訓: 運用科研工具開拓視野,展示科研能力

IFTM Library is delight to share with users an online training organized by Elsevier in the topic of "Empowering Knowledge-ScienceDirect Ebooks" on Oct 28, 2020.

More details of training as below:


Language : Mandarin 中文 & English 英文
Time:28 October 2020 (Wed), 15:00 – 16:00 (中) ; 16:15-17:15 (英)
Speaker: Ms. Mengyao Li, Elsevier eBook Customer Consultant, expert in Elsevier solution and publishing.
主講人:李夢瑤碩士,愛思唯爾電子書客戶顧問, 主要負責ScienceDirect平台電子書的推廣、使用及圖書出版等領域。


Contents 內容大綱 :


1. Elsevier and Elsevier books 愛思唯爾及圖書介紹
2. ScienceDirect search tips ScienceDirect 使用簡介
3. New features SD平台的新功能
4. Persona liD and remote access 個人賬戶與遠程訪問