Launch of New Website 🎉🌐 圖書館新網站已經推出

We are delighted to announce that the brand new website of IFTM Library is launched!

The new website is not only an upgrade on the look, with a library-oriented approach, it is easier and more efficient for users to look for information. Feel free to explore the site and let us know what you think!




澳門文獻港 MALA Hub】【Beginner Training Session】【在線教程-圖書館線上目錄】【在線教程-資料庫】【在線教程-論文與文獻寫作管理】【在線教程-校外使用電子資源



 澳門文獻港 (MALA Hub) 快速上手使用指南



Title Language Medium
 Library Beginner Training Session EnglishOnline Video
 Library Beginner Training Session CantoneseOnline Video
 Library Beginner Training Session EnglishPowerPoint











Please refer to below Databases webpage of IFTM Library:


Databases of IFTM Library








 Access to Library's electronic resources off campus