Activity Info
IFTM went to Chongqing to recruit more outstanding students in April. The delegation also took this opportunity to meet two alumni Philip Chen and Riri Liu in order to enhance the communication and exchange between the Institute and alumni.
IFTM went to Shanghai to recruit more outstanding students in March. The delegation also took this opportunity to meet the alumni in order to enhance the communication and exchange between the Institute and alumni.
(​The following information is provided in Chinese only.) 根據《關於印發珠海市支持港澳青年來珠就業(創業)和技能培訓(訓練)若干政策措施的通知》(珠人社〔2019〕199 號),為做好珠澳技能競賽工作,充分發揮職業技能競賽對技能人才培養示範引領作用,定於今年8—10月期間舉辦珠海市第三屆職業技能大賽暨2022 年“深合杯”珠澳琴酒店接待職業技能競賽,現將相關事項通知如下: 一、選手報名條件 (一)年齡要求 年滿18 周歲且不超過法定退休年齡。 (二)選手應滿足以下要求 1、思想品德優秀,身心健康; 2、高中以上學歷或同等學歷; 3、有1 年以上酒店接待相關工作經驗; 4、具備本職業扎實的基本功和技能水準,具有較強的學習領悟能力、良好的身體素質、心理素質及應變能力等的綜合素質; 5、必須嚴格遵守賽場有關規定,自覺服從裁判長、裁判員的管理。 (三)報名資格 珠琴選手:凡珠海、橫琴戶籍個人、2022 年1月1 日前已辦理珠海、橫琴居住地有效居住證的外地個人、在珠海或橫琴連續參保3個月以上的非當地戶口職工,由所在單位推薦報名或個人報名。 澳門選手:持有效澳門居民身份證、回鄉證,由所在單位推薦報名或以個人報名。非澳門居民可以企業職工身份報名,需證 明在澳門企業工作半年以上,經單位推薦參賽。 歡迎有興趣校友參加,可參閱以下附件瞭解報名詳情。 关于举办珠海市第三届职业技能大赛暨2022年“深合杯”珠澳琴酒店接待职业技能竞赛的通知V2(1).pdf
​Dear alumni,   We have received the following message from LVMH group. It is free for everyone. For those who are interested, please apply online directly.   Best regards,  Student Affairs Division ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deepen your knowledge of the luxury industry with the INSIDE LVMH Certificate: a unique learning path offered by LVMH, freely available for all on the INSIDE LVMH platform. This is a unique opportunity for you to acquire the fundamentals of luxury as passionate leaders from the LVMH Group, industry experts and experienced professors from renowned schools share with you their knowledge and expertise, while fully immersing you into the world of LVMH. 8 Weeks. 4 Modules with a personalised path. Exclusive Content. One Certificate, to boost your CV and prepare for your next professional steps. You can register before May 12th. INSIDE LVMH Certificate - Slide Deck.pdf
"IFTM Alumnication 2022_Travels the Yore" has come to a successful conclusion on April 23-24. We would like to appreciate all the alumni and their families and friends for their participation and support. Seeing all your smiles during the event, we believe you all experienced a nostalgic and enjoyable journey. We hope that all alumni can recall their memories in this special two-day and one-night staycation. We are also grateful for the professionalism of Pousada de Mong-Há, Educational Restaurant, and Year 4 students of Culinary Art Management. The event went well with their great support. We are grateful to the co-organizers and supporting organizations, including the Macao Institute for Tourism Studies, Alumni Association, Student Union, Culinary Club, Witdo 造白美學館, and OUTRO Travel & Photography for making this event a success. Meanwhile, we appreciate the support from all our sponsors, enriching the event components. We would like to take this opportunity to once again send our heartfelt thanks to all our guests, co-organizers, and supporting organizations and sponsors. Thanks to all of you, the event was a great success!
With the transformation of economic environment and the development of e-commerce and digital technology, the retail industry has undergone changes from supply chains, sales channels, and types of stores. In the new retail era, e-commerce integrates both online and offline platforms to generate a new business model of “People, Products, and Place” (three P’s) to further enhance the quality of online and offline customer experiences. Alibaba Cloud will introduce Alibaba''s new retail methodology and explain the key elements needed to build an e-commerce platform to which the “Online Merge Offline (OMO)” principle is applied. It will also showcase successful stories about local retail businesses, which have helped accelerate the digital transformation and business innovation in Macao. If alumni are interested in participating in this public lecture, please register now (
(The following information is provided in Chinese only) 各位校友: 學院收到題述活動邀請函,有興趣參與活動的校友請查看附件內容,並於7月18日前將對接洽談活動團隊推薦表 及路演商業計劃書PPT会送至指定郵箱:, 郵件以“項目名稲+對接洽談活動港澳専場"的形式命名。 請在郵件正文註明“聯繋人及聯繋方式。 教務部 學生事務處 澳門旅遊學院 關於第四屆粵港澳大灣區大學生創新創業項目對接洽談活動的邀請函
Curious about the career path of Heritage Management graduates? Wondering the knowledge and skills set required for a heritage professional in different fields? Not sure how you can better use the time in IFTM? Come and join us from 12 September for a month-long online talk series initiated by the IFTM Heritage Management Alumni, titled “When Heritage Meets…”. A total of nine alumni will share their personal experience with the illustrated presentation representing diverse professional background ranging from cultural heritage management, museum, academia, film, creative writing to underwater archaeology, in either private or public sectors, based in Mainland China, Macao, India, Canada, and UK. The talk series is free and open to all. For more details and registration, please visit For queries, please contact us via whatsapp: +91 96504 91667 or tel: +853 8598 1015
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