18th Anniversary of IFT
Tourism College
Tourism and Hotel School
Exchange Programme
Student Activities
Alumni's Corner
President's Message
IFT Celebrating 18th Anniversary

IFT is celebrating its 18th birthday this year! As a young institution, we have been thriving to become a well-recognised tourism and hospitality institution with the aim of providing quality programmes to groom future industry professionals and leaders for Macao. With the dedication of our team members, we are well on track. The best indicator of our interim achievement is the extent of industry acceptance of our graduates. The graduate employment surveys in the past 8 years showed that around 70% of our graduates were employed by sectors directly related to tourism and hospitality upon graduation. Our alumni survey also showed that quite a number of our alumni are occupying supervisory and managerial positions, such as Human Resources Director, Sales & Marketing Managing Director, Food & Beverage Manager and Learning & Development Coordinator. There are also alumni who have chosen to further their studies at reputable universities and institutions such as the University of Hong Kong, University of London, Glion Institute of Higher Education, and in fields beyond their specialisations, such as financial planning, education, aviation and telecommunications. We take pride in the quality of our graduates, which is reflective of the amount of resources and commitment we have put in the teaching and learning process, from theory to practice, from observation to critical thinking, from classroom to extra-curricular activities, from local focus to international exposure, and from professional to whole person development. The next few years will see new and exciting changes in the tourism landscape of Macao, and IFT will continue to contribute its part in human resource development.

Fanny Vong, PhD

18th Anniversary of IFT

IFT is 18 years old! A joyful 18th Anniversary Party was held on 13 September where staff members and students came altogether to celebrate the happy moments at the Party.

To do something special to celebrate the wonderful moments before kicking off the party, a Tug-of-War Competition, which is internationally known as the purest contest of human strength, was organised at Indoor Multi-purpose Court of IFT Main Campus to bolster the team spirit. Eight groups consisting of students and staff enrolled in the competition. During the contest, participants from each group pulled together on the rope with their ultimate power, sweats and laughter.

Following the Tug-of-War competition, the 18th Anniversary Party kicked off with an opening speech by President of IFT, Dr. Fanny Vong. After that, Certificates of Excellence, 10-Year Service Awards, 15-Year Service Awards and Winners of the Tug-of-War Competition prizes were awarded to staff members.

Public Relations

9月13日,學院舉行 “樂滿IFT拔河比賽” 及 “旅遊學院18週年聯歡宴會”,學院學生、教職員齊聚一堂,氣氛熱鬧。
Tourism College
Training Units of IFT Pousada de Mong Há and Educational Restaurant Receive “2013 Certificate of Excellence Award” from TripAdvisor China Official Website

The training units of the Institute for Tourism Studies (IFT) have received recognitions again. While having been awarded the “Travelers’ Choice Award” by TripAdvisor, a well-known global tourists’ website since 2011 and recommended by the “Michelin Hong Kong Macau Guide Book” for 5 consecutive years, Pousada de Mong-Há, one of the training units of IFT, has most recently been awarded by TripAdvisor China Official Website Daodao.com with their “2013 Certificate of Excellence Award” and ranked the 1st out of 83 hotels in Macao.

Another training unit at IFT – the Educational Restaurant -- has received positive comments and been recommended by the Michelin Hong Kong Macau Guide Book for 5 consecutive years and has now been awarded the “Certificate of Excellence award” by TripAdvisor China Official Website Daodao.com for the second consecutive year. With its excellent service and the exceptional culinary quality provided to its guests, the Educational Restaurant is consistently ranked in the top three out of 278 restaurants in Macao.

All these awards represent the high quality of service and professionalism of students and the training units. Pousada de Mong-Há and the Educational Restaurant provide a practical learning environment for students, and with the professionalism of the teachers, students can acquire precious hands-on experiences and the necessary skills for authentic operations.

Public Relations


IFT & Cornell University School of Hotel Administration Co-organised the Executive Development Programme “Foodservice Management”

In order to provide diversified training opportunities for Macao’s local hotel industry professionals and enhance their management skills, the Institute and Cornell University School of Hotel Administration, United States co-orgainsed a two-day Executive Development Programme Foodservice Management on 5 and 6 September. The Programme helped participants to gain comprehensive understanding of the functioning and management of cutting edge restaurant and foodservice units, and attracted 20 professionals from the local food and beverage industry to participate.

IFT had the honour of inviting Christopher Muller, Ph.D., a leading academic expert in the field of corporate/chain restaurant management to be the facilitator of this Programme. His research has focused on multi-unit restaurant brand management; chain restaurant organisation development and growth; and training of multi-unit managers. Prof. Muller received both his Doctorate and Master’s degrees from the School of Hotel Administration at Cornell University, United States. Besides his teaching experience at Boston University and the University of Central Florida, Prof. Muller has lectured on management topics to a variety of individuals throughout the world, including presentations to organisations from Germany, Great Britain, Russia, Italy, Singapore, Hong Kong, Republic of Korea, Australia, Mexico, Central and South America. He has owned and operated restaurants and small hotels throughout New England. With his extensive experiences in the hospitality and service business, Prof. Muller has written books and articles related to this area. This course is designed for the Food & Beverage or Restaurant Manager seeking to gain a competitive advantage for their business.

Tourism College

為了向本澳的酒店業高級行政人員提供多元化的高階培訓機會,進一步提升業界的管理水平,學院與美國康乃爾大學酒店管理學院於9月5至6日舉辦“餐飲服務管理"高級管理課程,讓學員對餐飲業運作和管理有更全面的了解。是次課程由Christopher Muller教授兼連鎖餐廳管理學術界專家主講,共吸引了20位本澳餐飲業界的高級行政人員參加。
IFT & Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne (EHL), Switzerland Co-organised the Executive Development Programme “Leadership Module: Key to Personal Effectiveness”

The Institute and Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne (EHL), Switzerland co-orgainsed a two-day Executive Development Programme “Leadership Module: Key to Personal Effectiveness” on 2 and 3 July. The Programme helped participants to understand that their perceptions of the world, work and the other people in their lives are affected by past experiences, their expectations and where they place their priorities. Their levels of performance and overall team work results can be significantly impacted by increased self-understanding and understanding of others, by enhancing their abilities to adapt and connect with others in both personal and work theatres. The Programme attracted 23 professionals of local hotels and mega resorts.

IFT had the honour of inviting Mr. Yateendra Sinh, the CEO of Lausanne Hospitality Consulting SA, the Consulting and Executive Education subsidiary of EHL, to be the facilitator of this programme. Graduated from the University of Bombay majoring in Economics and Hotels & Management, Mr. Sinh held various operational responsibilities such as pre-opening and managing hotels, business clubs, townships and large IT infrastructure networks. Since moving to Switzerland in 2000, he has delivered training and consulted on strategic, managerial and operational issues in over 36 countries. Mr. Sinh believes in continuous improvement of service quality and in providing the hospitality industry with radical and innovative solutions.

The purpose of the programme is to enable participants to recognise and understand the person they are dealing with and adapt the best approach for communication.

Tourism College

旅遊學院與瑞士洛桑酒店管理學院於7月2至3日舉辦“領導層單元:提升個人工作效能的要訣”高級管理課程。是次課程由瑞士洛桑酒店管理學院顧問及行政教育部轄下之旅業款待顧問中心首席執行官Yateendra Sinh先生主講,共吸引了23位來自本澳酒店業界及大型渡假村的高級行政人員參加,目的是讓他們更了解日常溝通的技巧和對象,從而採取更有效的溝通方式。
Tourism & Event Students Win the 1st Runner-up at a MICE Contest in China

On 2 August, Tourism and Event Management Year 2 Student Samily Tong and Tourism and Event Management Year 1 Student Bella Wong participated in a MICE academic competition at Sun Yat-Sen University. The competition attracted 41 teams and over 100 university students from 18 universities to participate including Sun Yat-Sen University and Beijing Second Foreign Language Institute. Samily and Bella made it through the evaluation process judged by university professors in the first round and entered the second round. After that, they participated in an exchange programme with other teams and demonstrated and debated their project at Sun Yat-Sen University. They conducted a creative tourism and event project which aimed to promote budget travel amongst university students, including developing different travel routes for university students’ market segment to explore and holding a mock budget travel route design competition. After the final round of the competition, they defeated ten teams and emerged as the 1st runner up of the competition.

Bella Wong & Samily Tong

Tourism Event Management Year 1 & 2 Students


2011/12 Degree and Diploma Programme Graduates’ Employment Survey

In order to find out more about the career placements of recent IFT bachelor and diploma programme graduates and gain insight into today’s work place, IFT launched an online employment survey in February 2013. In this survey, 2011/12 graduates were asked to complete a questionnaire which aimed at finding out their latest employment situation.

Bachelor Programmes

For Bachelor graduates, the overall response rate was 61.6%. According to the results of the survey, 96.7% of the respondents were employed. 99.3% of them had full-time employment with monthly median salary of MOP12,900. The employment sectors are displayed in the figure below.

Figure, Employment sectors of Bachelor graduate respondents



Diploma and Certificate Programmes

For diploma graduates, the overall response rate was 39.5%. According to the results of the survey, 86.7% of the respondents were employed. They all had full-time employment with a monthly median salary range of MOP19,000. The employment sectors are displayed in the figure below.

Figure, Employment sectors of Diploma and Certificate graduate respondents

Technical and Academic Support Division


Books and Papers Publications
Book/Book Chapter Publications

Moreira, P. (2013)

Economic competition and survival endurance: Restricted environments, behavioral options, the extinction of the dodo, the Easter Island case and the tragedy of the commons effect

In L. Lick, and R. Davison (Eds.) Sustainable Business Tourism (pp. 41-51). Arnhem: ATLAS

O’Regan (2013)

Fragmenting Tourism: Niche tourists

In The Routledge Handbook of Tourism Marketing (Edited by Scott Mccabe). Routledge
Papers Published in Journals 







周聖來 (2013) 



Moreira, P., Iao, C. (2013) 

A study on destination image and the behavioral factors of destination loyalty

International Journal of Social Sciences. 2(2), 76-94


Vong, F (2013)

Application of cultural tourist typology in a gaming destination – Macao

Current Issues in Tourism. (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/

Vong, F.; Wong, I.K.A. (2013) 

Corporate and social performance links in the gaming industry

Journal of Business Research. 66 (9), 1674-1681 

Wan, Y.K.P., Kim, S.S. and Eillot, S. (2013) 

Behavioral differences in gaming patterns among Chinese subcultures as perceived by Macao casino staff

Cornell Hospitality Quarterly.

Doi: 10.1177/1938965513485285 

Wan, Y.K.P. (2013) 

Barriers for people with disabilities in visiting casinos

International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 25(5), 660-682 

Wan, Y.K.P. (2013) 

Work stress among casino industry supervisors in Macao casinos

International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration, 14(2), 179-201 

Chan, S.H., Wan, Y.K.P., and Speece, M. (2013) 

What attributes are sought by Chinese casino visitors when they visit a casino?

The Journal of Gambling Business and Economics, 7(1), 21-40 

Wan, Y.K.P., Li, X.P. (2013) 

Sustainability of tourism development in Macao, China

International Journal of Tourism Research, 51(1), 52-65 

Wong, I.K.A.; Wu, JiaYi Seven. (2013) 

Understanding casino experiential attributes: An application to casino market position

International Journal of
Hospitality Management 35, 214-224

Wong, I.K.A. (2013)


Mainland Chinese shopping preferences and service perceptions in the Asian Gaming Destination of Macau

Journal of Vacation Marketing. 19 (3), 239-251 

Cheng, M.; Xin, J.; Wong, I.K.A. (2013) 

Ecotourism site in relation to tourist attitude and further behavioral changes

Current Issues in Tourism. (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/

Yeung, R. M. W. and Yee, W. M. S. (2013) 

Ecotourism site in relation to tourist attitude and further behavioral changes

British Food Journal, 115( 8), 1073-1089 

Tourism College


Dean’s List of Spring 2012/13

The objectives of the Dean’s list are to:

  • recognise excellence in academic achievement among students;
  • be a motivating mechanism for students to excel;
  • and impart in students a sense of pride and connection to IFT in the long run.
67 students are nominated to the Dean’s list and they are:
Tourism Business Management

Tourism Event Management





























Heritage Management



Hotel Management






































Tourism Retail and Marketing Management



















Let’s congratulate them on their great achievement in the last semester.


Technical and Academic Support Division


Macao through the Eyes of International Students at IFT

With the idea that international students help enrich the IFT learning environment and add to the cultural experience of all students, the Institute is pleased to report that we have welcomed 18 exchange students this fall from the Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, Austria, Republic of Korea and Mainland China.

Each year, IFT warmly accepts a diversity of international students who display passion for tourism and hospitality education and who are keen to experience a live-abroad experience in Macao. We felt it would be interesting to learn what a few of this year’s international students feel about their time in Macao so far and below are two transcribed interviews with a Year 1 freshmen (Andrew) and a Year 3 student (Larissa) who has been in Macau for 4 years:

Andrew Ho (Chinese Taiwan)

Year 1 Student of Tourism Event Management


Why did you choose Macao and IFT for your studies?

The reason I chose Macao for furthering my study is because Macao is a small place but with good public order and is a very safe place. I still remember when I first arrived in Macao, I just fell in love with this little place which blends different cultures, architectural styles and people. It is a really unique place in the world where I like a lot.

How did you get to know about IFT?

I got to know IFT through an educational fair held earlier this year in Taipei. The programmes offered by IFT attracted me as I think IFT has very good reputation and high teaching standards on tourism studies in Macao. Also I have a few friends from Macao and they told me how professional IFT is in this area. With the booming of tourism industry in Macao, I am confident that it will give me a very good learning environment for my career development in tourism industry.

Larissa Orenga De Rezende (Brazil)

Year 3 Student of Hotel Management

Why did you choose Macao and IFT for study?

I have been living in Macao for 4 years already as I came here to work for one short contract and ended up extending it and staying here. I am a professional dancer. So, when I decided to study at IFT, I was living here for 2 years already and knew about the Institute and its fine reputation.

Studying Hotel Management was always my first choice since I finished my studies in Brazil few years ago. IFT has good reputation in the industry and it’s growing each year. One thing that attracted me to really go for it was the fact that IFT has such nice study facilities regarding hotel training, as well as the chance to apply what we are learning from theory to practice in real life situations through internships that makes IFT my best choice.

How is it different from studying in Brazil, and are you enjoying it here?  

It is very different in many ways. In Brazil, young people who go to university are already working in their full time jobs and paying themselves for their studies. When I started at IFT I was shocked with the fact that the students are so young and mostly fully supported by their parents, and so, even though they might have part-time jobs they don't really depend on it.

At IFT, students are really shy and it is intimidating for us in the beginning, while in my country, people are more open and seem to be more welcoming. But I notice this is a cultural issue and classmates are still friendly but it just takes some time for them to warm up and feel comfortable with us.

Public Relations



Tourism and Hotel School
A Big Hand of Applause to our Graphic Design Programme Students!

We are delighted to inform you that students from the Graphic Design Programme co-organised with Luso-Chinese Technical and Professional School won several awards again this year. 

Congratulations to the teachers and students of the programme! Thank you for the hard work. We are so proud of you!

Macao Secondary School Students Sculpture Art Competition 2013

Best Creativity Award:             Chan Hio Cheng 陳曉晴

Third-class Award:                  Vong Chi Ieng 黃芷瑩

Outstanding Award:                 Leung Ka Man 梁嘉敏

Honourable Mention:                Wong Man Long 黃文龍

Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Marine Life Drawing Competition

Outstanding Award:                  Cheang Ka U 鄭嘉裕

IPM 2013 Gift Card Design Competition

First Prize (Open Category):     Leung Ka Man 梁嘉敏

Drawing Competition held by Macao Youth Aspirations Promotion Association

Third-class Award:                     Leung Ka Man 梁嘉敏, Vong Chi Ieng 黃芷瑩

Outstanding Award:                   Lei Choi Mei 李翠媚, Lei Ka Sin 李嘉倩

Tourism and Hotel School

Mexican Cuisine Master Chef Demonstration Workshop

Co-organised with the Consulate General of Mexico in Hong Kong and Macao, 2 Master Chef Demo Workshops about Mexican cuisine were successfully held on 18 and 19 September. Due to its important role in the cultural identity of the communities, traditional Mexican cuisine which has been practiced and transmitted from generation to generation was inscribed to the representative list of the world’s Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) in 2010. Hosted by the reputable Mexican Chef, Juan Miguel Prada, participants had the chance to experience the rich Mexican cultural legacy through tasting the most authentic and refined Mexican gastronomy.

Skilled in Mexican Haute cuisine, Mexican traditional food, fusion and contemporary Mexican cuisine, Chef Prada is a versatile cook who has collaborated with many top restaurants in Mexico. He has also worked for the Mexican Minister of Foreign Affairs as Executive Chef and has prepared banquets for the President of Mexico. Aside from this, Chef Prada has lots of experience representing Mexico in many different international culinary fairs and exhibitions, as well as several high-profile events in Europe and North America. In addition, he has also been the chef-collaborator of the award-winning cookbooks, such as “La Vainilla Mexicana” and “Mezcal”, and has been a columnist and food critic in several specialised culinary magazines.

Tourism and Hotel School

學院與墨西哥駐香港及澳門總領事館於九月份合辦“名廚大師技藝展示工作坊——墨西哥佳餚”。墨西哥傳統美食在該國世代相傳,對墨西哥人自身的文化認同扮演著重要的角色,2010年更被聯合國教科文組織納入非物質文化遺產名錄。通過是次一連兩天的工作坊,參加者從墨西哥名廚Juan Miguel Prada的精彩演示中了解到墨西哥菜系的經典菜餚及其烹調技巧。
Leather Craft Courses at THS

Leather is a durable and flexible material originating from dressing or tanning of animal raw hide and skin. It is widely used in various applications like accessories, clothing, footwear, upholstery and automotive products, and it has become one of the most favourable materials being used by top designers in the world of fashion. Some people started to make unique leather accessories on their own, and some of them even started their own businesses and sell their handmade leather products.

To cope with this emerging trend, Tourism and Hotel School of IFT has invited Mr. Ryan Lau, a renowned leather craft designer from Hong Kong, to share his expertise with our students. A series of three leather craft courses, namely Design and Handmade Accessories, Design and Handmade Practical Leather Accessories and Professional Design and Handmade Leather Accessories, has been designed to enable students to go from the easy to the complicated. From theory to hands-on practice, students developed a better understanding of leather craft, the ability to complete leather accessories individually, and to design unique and useful leather products in their personal style.

Tourism and Hotel School


Let’s Upcycle Together!

What do you usually do with your old newspapers, magazines, clothes and other unused items? You may think they are useless, but sending them away as trash is not a choice!

According to different environmental protection organisations worldwide, over 75% of the waste we produce every day can be recycled, upcycled and reused; unfortunately, very few of us are doing so.

Aiming to enhance the general public’s awareness on environmental protection, Tourism and Hotel School started to offer a DIY Recycle Design Series Programme in September, teaching participants how to turn old items into new treasures.

Lots of unused items were brought to the class. With assistance from the teacher, a lot of enthusiasm and creativity from the students, and some basic craft skills, many old items were given a new lease of life!

Do you also want to try? More green courses will be brought to you soon. Let’s upcycle together! Let’s protect the world!

Tourism and Hotel School


Interview with Pastry & Bakery Diploma Instructor – Herve Lemonon

After 19 years as the Executive Pastry Chef in the Grand Lapa Hotel, Macao (formerly the Mandarin Oriental) and 7 years as the part-time Instructor for Pastry & Bakery Diploma Programme at IFT, Herve Lemonon decided to set a pause for good after his long career in the pastry and teaching sector.

Before his farewell lunch with Ms. Florence Ian, Vice President of IFT and Mr. David Wong, Executive Assistant Manager of IFT’s Food & Beverage Department at the Educational Restaurant, Mr. Lemonon shared his work and life experiences in Macao in an exclusive interview.

What attracted you to Macao?

I like new challenges, learn new things and explore the world. Before I came to Macao, I did not know where Macao was on the map in 1989! One of my very good friends who was working as the Executive Chef at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Macao asked me to join his team as a Pastry Chef, so I came and have stayed here for 24 years.

How do you like Macao and what kept you in Macao for over two decades?

Macao is a nice city which never stops. In Macao, I can experience the Chinese culture and meet new people. Moreover, living in Macao is more secure than France where I originally came from. More importantly, I have a family and 2 daughters born and grew up here. These are the reasons why I have stayed here for 24 years.

How did you start to teach at IFT?

In 2005, IFT launched the Pastry & Bakery Diploma Programme, and Mrs. Tina, Director of the Tourism and Hotel School of IFT contacted me and asked me to be the Instructor of the Programme. Since then, I have taught for the Programme at IFT over the past 8 years.

How do you feel about IFT’s students?

IFT students are very motivated, hard-working and capable of speaking more than one language; they are some of the brightest and most focused students in Macao as they know their career direction and true passions already.

What do you think about the development of Macao’s hospitality industry especially in culinary area?

As we can see today, there is a shortage of qualified candidates of local pastry professionals in the hospitality industry. Therefore, it is good to provide pastry courses like those of IFT for young generation to be educated as future pastry chefs and can be promoted through training as well, so that we don’t necessarily depend on expatriates in the future. I remember when I first came to Macao in 1989, there was no Macao locals working as pastry chefs. Cake shops were selling mix fruit cakes only with very old style equipment. Therefore, I started to attach importance to the cultivation of local pastry chefs through encouraging, guiding and empowering the local young talents to participate in international competitions and provided them with opportunities and platforms to step up and show their talents in order to advance their proficiency and career. All in all, I am very happy to have contributed to the development and the training of Macao’s local pastry chefs throughout the years.

Any suggestions you would like to give to the youngsters who have the passion to become a Pastry Chef?

 Be strong, self-motivated, hard-working and never stop pursuing your dreams. I believe in life you need to follow your passion which might not be easy and composes of a lot of hard work and even tears, but at the end you will do a real job that you like and this is priceless. Despite some people thinking that it is easier and more well-paid to work in casinos, I will tell them that they can be replaced by gaming machines one day, and most importantly, they can’t find the happiness as much as they will have when following their passion on career path.

Anything you would like to say to your IFT colleagues before you leave?

 I want to thank Fanny, Florence, Tina, David, Edywn, Raimund, Ronald and other IFT’s management members who have given me the trust, support and assistance during these 8 years. I wish them a big success for all the coming years.

Public Relations

兼職導師Herve Lemonon任教學院麵包及西餅製作文憑課程長達8年,培育出不少餐飲業界人才。8月,因私人理由離職,學院代表為他舉行了餞別午宴。訪問中,他總結澳門長期缺乏本地人擔任西餅廚師,大多依靠聘用外地僱員;他認為有需要透過課程培訓更多本地的西餅廚師,並讓他們通過培訓獲得晉升機會。最後,他感謝學院管理層,包括院長、副院長,以及餐飲部同事一直以來的支持和信任。
Here we are the new members who joined IFT from July – September 2013


Grant James O BREE joins us as a Lecturer. His career commenced in the tourism industry in the Gold Coast, Australia in 1990. In 2000, Grant moved into hospitality industry in Singapore, the Philippines, United Arab Emirates, etc.. In 2005, Grant worked as Regional Manager, Sales and Operations with Accor Hotels and Resorts, and successfully guided the operations into profitability, whilst completing a Master’s degree in International Business at. In 2010, Grant changed his career into higher education, lecturing in Human Resource Management, Digital Marketing and Organisational Behaviour. Grant worked at The University of Queensland as Course Coordinator in the Master of Hotel Management programme and as a tutor in the Event Management programme.

Jue HUANG joins us as a Visiting Assistant Professor in business management studies. Jue received her PhD in Tourism Management from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in August 2008. Before moving to Macao, she has been engaged in teaching and research at Xiamen University, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and Beijing Hospitality Institute. Her research focus is on tourist behaviour, social media, tourism marketing, and cruise tourism.

Mary EDDY U joins the full-time English faculty after 3 years of teaching at IFT part-time. Mary received her MA in Applied Linguistics and TESOL from the University of Leicester in July 2013. She has worked with English learners of all ages and abilities, and was involved with management of Concordia English Centre in Macao. Previously she spent two years in Guangdong province assisting with establishment of a private English Centrer. Her research interests include language learning motivation and group dynamics in the classroom.

Michael O’REGAN joins us as a Visiting Assistant Professor. He worked alongside the National Tourism Development Authority of Ireland before joining Gulliver –- Ireland's Information and Reservation Service after completing his Masters at the University of Limerick. He then joined Wicklow County Tourism, Ireland as Marketing Executive in 1997 before starting a PhD programme at the School of Sport and Service Management, University of Brighton, UK which he completed in 2011. He also worked for two years as an Assistant Professor at Dongbei University of Finance and Economics (DUFE), Dalian, China at its Global Institute of Management and Economics – Surrey International Institute. His research is focused on tourist, urban, historic, future, alternative, lifestyle, slow and cultural mobilities.

Olivia OU Juanjuan joins us as an Invited Lecturer in marketing. Olivia received her PhD in marketing from Lancaster University, UK in June 2012. During her PhD, she taught marketing-related courses, including Principles of Marketing, Introduction to Marketing and also supervised student group projects at the Marketing Department, Lancaster University, UK. Olivia was also involved in consultancy for a Chinese company. Her research interests are inter-disciplinary and span the areas of marketing, organizational identity and organizational discourse analysis.

Sonia IUN Hoi Teng joins us as a Lecturer, delivering Financial Accounting to first year students; other modules include Marketing Channels and Distribution, Advertising and Communications Strategies, and Brand Management to year two and year three students. As a doctoral researcher at the University of Sheffield, UK, her research focuses on investigating the brand identity of Macao, in particular exploring the dimension of identity and its attributes, the process by which the identity is constructed and the stakeholders that are engaged in the process. Prior to joining IFT, Sonia spent 2 years facilitating seminars for undergraduate and postgraduate students in the UK. Areas of research interests cover place branding; destination branding, city branding, tourism, marketing, culture and urbanism.

Suh-hee CHOI joins us as an Invited Assistant Professor. She holds a Ph.D. in Hospitality and Tourism Management at Purdue University (USA). She earned her BA and MA degrees in geography from Seoul National University (Republic of Korea). Prior to joining IFT, she worked as an editor of National Geographic Korean edition and a researcher at Gyeonggi Research Institute and Seoul National University. She has constructed her research portfolios in the area of place images, and further developed her area of research in place branding, place brand management with the consideration of tourists’ destination experiences, tourist behavior and tourism internet marketing. She has teaching experience in universities in China and the USA as well as in Korea.

Trevor HO U Teng joins us as Instructor, teaching English Intermediate and English Communications to first- and second-year students. Trevor received his undergraduate and postgraduate education at the University of Macau, majoring respectively in English Education and English Studies (Literature). He is a big fan of English Literature and language learning. His research interest lies in vocabulary learning and learner autonomy.

Wong Ieng Ieng, Cathy as Assistente Técnico Administrativo of Food and Beverage


Fok Hon Wa, Steve as Técnico of Pousada de Mong-

以上為2013年7 至 9月已加入旅遊學院的新同事。

Exchange Programme
Summer International Exchange Programme 2013

From 1 to 9 July, IFT and Leeds Metropolitan University in United Kingdom jointly organised Summer International Exchange Programme 2013 in Yorkshire, United Kingdom. Themed “Developing Cultural Tourism” this year, the Programme attracted 25 students from China (including Macao and Hong Kong), Japan and the United Kingdom to participate. In the nine-day programme, they acquired knowledge about the theme through interacting and exchanging ideas with experts, industry professionals and officials, as well as conducting seminars, field trips and presentations. On the last day of the programme, the participants concluded what they had learnt in a sharing session and received certificates from the organisers.


Technical and Academic Support Division

學院與英國利茲都會大學於7月1至9日在英國約克郡合辦夏季國際交流課程,今年課程以“拓展文化旅遊”為主題,吸引了25名來自中國 (包括澳門和香港)、日本及英國的學生參加。課程上,學員與文化旅遊課題的專家學者、業界及政府官員互動交流,並透過講座、實地考察和演說等認識課程主題。

Student Activities
Perspectives on Participation in the UNWTO.TedQual Students’ Advisory Board Meeting 2013

The goal of the meeting was to learn from students their perspectives about their role as future tourism professionals and to share tourism sector’s main concerns regarding a better practice of the profession.

It has been a great opportunity for me to obtain a global view of the employment market in tourism industry through participating in the meeting. In the meeting, employers and students from around the world gathered together to discuss current needs and demands of the tourism employment market. I had many valuable chances to interact directly with various employers from the industry, including those from international and regional organisations, hotels, and online travel agencies. This allowed me to get to know what they were precisely looking for in future tourism professionals. A mock interview with an authentic employer allowed me to realise my own strengths and understand the gap between the industry’s needs and my skillset, which is very motivating to know. Also, I met enthusiastic students from different cultural, academic and working backgrounds from all over the world. The whole experience truly lit up my life, helping me to figure out a blueprint for my future career and most importantly how to achieve it.


Fiona, Qi Sihui

Heritage Management Year 4 Student


A Student’s Perception of the European Union Exchange Trip

I am very glad that I had the honour of being selected as one of the participants on the European Union exchange delegation of Macao higher education institutions students which was organised by Tertiary Education Services Office.

This trip has given me an exceptional opportunity and experience through visiting the EU headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, European Parliament in Strasbourg, France as well as the College of Europe. Moreover, through conversations with EU officials, I gained a better understanding of EU operations, the important role of Macao in establishing the relations between the EU and China as well as the Erasmus Mundus Programme which supports university students to have further studies in European countries.

Aside from what I have learnt through the meetings, I have gained unforgettable memories through this nine-day exchange. I discovered how Europeans balance their work with their leisure life, how they love art and how they pay attention to environmental protection.

I have developed strong friendships with the other participants as well. I learnt a lot from them, not only to do with their extensive knowledge, but also through their optimistic and positive attitudes. They are so outstanding and this inspires me to learn more in order to improve myself.

Cheong, Ieng Ieng Nicola

Tourism Event Management Year 3 Student


Alumni's Corner
Greetings from Acquaintances

The IFT Alumni Association was established by a group of IFT graduates in September 2002. It aims at strengthening the alumni network, bridging the gap between members and IFT, connecting graduates and the industry, and promoting the wellbeing of the alumni as a whole. In the past years, especially during the early years, a number of events, such as career talks, alumni gatherings, charity events (such as donations for earthquake victims and the elderlies in need) were held with strong support from alumni and the society.

Recently, new members have gathered sufficient momentum to roll out the new phase for the Association. Election is scheduled to be held in the second half of 2013, after which a new board of executive members will be formed. New plans and many more new ideas were generated during the preparatory meetings in July and August earlier this year.

If you have any queries or suggestions for the association, please kindly email: iftalumni@gmail.com.

IFT Alumni Association




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