U P C O M I N G   D E A D L I N E S 
30 April Thursday
Submission of papers or abstracts for Phd students vying for registration fee waiver. Click for the guidelines.
31 May Sunday
Submission of abstracts or full papers. Only one month to go!

Please email all submissions to Connie Loi (conference@ift.edu.mo). We thank all those who have already submitted their abstracts/full papers. You can expect to receive reviewers’ comments late July. See you all in Macau in December!Registration.htmlmailto:conference@ift.edu.moshapeimage_3_link_0shapeimage_3_link_1
The 3rd International Conference on Destination Branding and Marketing
Institute For Tourism Studies, Macau SAR, China 
2-4 December 2009Welcome.html
G O O D   N E W S  ! ! !
Special issue of IJCTHR on Destination Branding and Marketing 
Professor Arch Woodside, Editor-in-Chief of the highly respected International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research (Emerald), has extended an invitation for a special journal issue compiled from the best papers and articles from the 3rd DBM conference. 
Guest editor for this special IJCTHR issue will be Dr. Rich Harrill,  a keynote speaker in the conference and member of the scientific committee. The special issue is expected to be published in mid- or late 2010. http://info.emeraldinsight.com/products/journals/journals.htm?PHPSESSID=625jbg1f42cmf708lnmj008ad4&id=ijcthrhttp://info.emeraldinsight.com/products/journals/journals.htm?PHPSESSID=625jbg1f42cmf708lnmj008ad4&id=ijcthrhttp://info.emeraldinsight.com/products/journals/journals.htm?PHPSESSID=625jbg1f42cmf708lnmj008ad4&id=ijcthrhttp://info.emeraldinsight.com/products/journals/journals.htm?PHPSESSID=625jbg1f42cmf708lnmj008ad4&id=ijcthrhttp://www.hrsm.sc.edu/tourismresearch/shapeimage_6_link_0shapeimage_6_link_1shapeimage_6_link_2shapeimage_6_link_3shapeimage_6_link_4
S N E A K   P R E V I E W 
Destination branding and marketing--“Often easier said than done”
One of the keynote and panel speakers at the conference, Dr. Steven Pike, School of Tourism at the University of Queensland, will argue how much destination marketing organizations (DMOs) and academia--including scholars of destination branding and marketing--have yet to work together in understanding the immense complexity and varied outcomes of destination branding practice. Considering that destinations have only in recent years started incorporating branding practices in their marketing efforts and that research headway has only been achieved within the last 10 years, it is disquieting that there remains much to be confirmed and more practical insights to be established.

Dr. Pike’s discourse at the conference will therefore challenge delegates from both the practical and scholarly sides of the DBM spectrum and urge them to work together to arrive at firm but workable principles for effective DBM. Dr. Pike has devoted a substantial part of his work to understanding the complexity inherent in destination branding and marketing. Click here for a snippet of Dr. Pike’s thinking on the matter.  http://www.emeraldinsight.com/Insight/ViewContentServlet?contentType=Article&Filename=Published/EmeraldFullTextArticle/Articles/0960140405.htmlshapeimage_8_link_0
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F O O D   F O R   T H O U G H T
Pitfalls and perils of destination branding slogans
While destination branding is certainly much more than devising slick and catchy marketing slogans, this hasn’t prevented many DMOs, tourism councils and even commercial organizations from getting into a few embarrassing slip ups, sometimes made at substantial costs. We briefly review a few of these recent blunders:

Wisconsin: From “Life’s So Good” to “Live Like You Mean It”
State officials are in hot water for the new “Live Like You Mean It” branding slogan that apparently is recycled from previous marketing campaigns of a liquor brand. The oversight is ironic considering that the new slogan and logo are meant to bolster Wisconsin’s positioning as “home of original thinking”, according to the State Department of Tourism Website. Total cost for slogan and logo: US$50,000. More on this from the Manitowoc Herald Times Reporter.

Leeds: “Live it, Love it” -- You mean like Hong Kong?
Two years after Hong Kong unveiled its “Live it, Love it” marketing campaign, the slogan was adopted by the Marketing Leeds organization, apparently thinking it original, and unveiled it in September 2005. Cost of research, launching and printing: £150,000. According to one Leeds Councillor, “given all the money that we have spent on consultants to come up with the slogan and the glitzy launch, I would have thought the council could have thought of an original idea rather than one that is two years old.” More on this snafu from the BBC.

“It’s got to be Austria” -- Or so it seems
According to a travel website, “behind the five little words – "It's got to be Austria" stands a substantial body of work devoted to qualitative and quantitative analysis”. A few, however, are not so convinced as in the case of one blogger who writes: “Maybe it is slightly too witty for me ... I have trouble with understanding how that could affect my decision in any case.”

Macau’s COTAI Strip -- Can a place name be trademarked?
A group of concerned Macau residents have legally challenged Las Vegas Sands, operator in Macau of the Venetian and Sands Casinos, for what seems to be its appropriation of the COTAI place name in many of its registered trademarks such as the “Cotai Strip”, “Cotai Tours”, “CotaiJet”, “CotaiArena”  and even “Asia's Las Vegas”. COTAI is a contraction of two islands’ place names, Coloane and Taipa, that is now used to designate the expansive reclaimed land on which the Venetian and many other new casino resorts are springing up in the former Portuguese enclave. The group argues that common place names belong to the common heritage of Macau people and hence cannot be trademarked. 

Organizers hope the proceedings of the 3rd DBM will shed more light on how branding errors such as those mentioned above can be avoided.
I M P O R T A N T   R E M I N D E R S
Authors submitting abstract or full papers should adhere strictly to the style guidelines described here. A template can be downloaded to facilitate. This will facilitate the review and authors avoid having to re-write.

The editor reserves the right NOT to include any final full version papers in the conference proceedings if they do not adhere to the style guidelines, even if these have already been accepted for presentation at the conference.Call_for_papers.htmlNewsletter_2_files/Template.docshapeimage_14_link_0shapeimage_14_link_1
The 3rd DBM is grateful for the support of: The Tourism Futures Institute Conference Listhttp://www.tourism-futures.orghttp://www.tourism-futures.orgshapeimage_18_link_0shapeimage_18_link_1
See past and current updates: 
March - April  